REACH is proud to be part of the WK Kellogg Foundation’s Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation Initiative and joins over 130 organizations from across the country in calling for a National Day of Racial Healing on January 17, 2017.
This Day marks the start of a year-long effort to advance racial healing in communities across the country in order to create an environment where all children can thrive.
Overall, in 2017, communities, organizations and individuals are being asked to:
- Proclaim a new narrative that refutes the ideology of a hierarchy of human value and replaces it with the scientifically proven assertion that we are all descendants of one human ancestry endowed by our creator with the inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
- Acknowledge that there are still deep racial divisions in America that must be overcome and healed; and
- Commit to engaging representatives from all racial, ethnic, religious and identity groups in genuine efforts to increase understanding, communication, caring and respect for one another and the perceived other.
We invite you to join us in recognizing the National Day of Racial Healing in your own way, within your family, community, workplace or place of worship.
This website link has more information and a suggested list of activities to get you started. Day of Racial Healing
Please comment on our facebook page and let us know how you plan to celebrate! 2017 the year of racial healing, let's start writing a history for our grandchildren that we can be proud of! REACH Facebook Page