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Community Building

Allies cannot be self-defined. 
They must be claimed by the people they seek to ally with.”

— From “Unsettling Minnesota”

Wabanaki REACH seeks to build a broader and stronger community of non-Native people who understand the long term impact of historical harms done to indigenous people since first contact, centuries of governmental policies intended to eliminate “the Indian problem,” and present day systems that provide advantages to the dominant culture.

When people more deeply understand what happened, they wish to be a part of writing a different history for our grandchildren.

1.jpgREACH’s Educational Presentations provide an opportunity for non-native people to learn about the shared history of Maine and Wabanaki people. Faith communities, workplaces, schools, civic, peace, justice and political groups are coming forth to learn, understand and appreciate our collectively shared truth.


REACH’s Workshops are specifically designed for non-native people.

This powerful workshop provides and opportunity to reflect on our colonizing history, the current day impacts and our future with Native people.

This workshop, designed for non-Native people, includes a brief history of US government relationships with Native People; awareness of white privilege and and introduction to decolonization.

Workshops are well received with hundreds of Mainers participating each year.

3.jpgEach month there are groups and events in several locations around the state to educate and support people who wish to continue in this work of truth, healing and change. Ongoing groups and workshops are led by REACH staff, volunteers and other partners. These events are for those who have participated in a REACH Workshop and wish to continue learning and furthering self-discovery. Ongoing groups and events offer a space to feel supported to take action toward right relationship with and self-determination of Wabanaki people.




REACH is engaging organizations (institutions of higher education and faith communities) who desire to be partners in the work of decolonization and standing for Wabanaki sovereignty.

Many actions have included:

  • providing testimony at legislative hearings
  • publishing letters to the editor and Op-Eds
  • participating in rallies and demonstrations in support of Wabanaki rights and Wabanaki sovereignty
  • educating others in their family, network and communities
  • participating in fundraising
  • assisting with media activities
  • organizing events

For more information or to request an Educational Presentation or REACH Workshop in your community, agency or organization, Contact Us.

