Join us for an online screening of the documentary Blood Memory followed by and a panel discussion with Sandy White Hawk, filmmaker Drew Nicholas and REACH Team members. The film will be available to view a week leading evening of the panel discussion on Thursday, February 17, 2022, at 6:30 PM.
Pre-Registration to view the film and to participate in the online panel discussion is required, please sign up below. Registrants will receive a follow up email with instructions and a link to the film and event.
Sandy White Hawk served as a Commissioner for the Maine Truth Commission. At 18 months, Sandy was removed from her Sicangu Lakota relatives and taken to live with a Christian missionary couple 400 miles away, where her skin color and cultural heritage were rejected. Blood Memory explores Sandy’s adoption and reconnection with her Lakota community and identity.
This event is free and open to the public. Contributions supporting our ongoing work are greatly appreciated.