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REACH Day Workshop - Sanford

Maine-Wabanaki REACH workshops have been well received across the state with over 800 Mainers participating. Maine and Wabanaki people are at an historical juncture in their long relationship.

This workshop is an opportunity for non-Native people to reflect on our shared history and future with Native people. It includes a brief look at the colonizing history of US and Maine relationships with Native people; awareness of white privilege; an introduction to decolonization of our organizations and institutions.

REACH welcomes and appreciates donations supporting our ongoing work. Please visit our donation page:

Workshop space is limited and registration is required.

For questions contact, Barbara Kates, mailto:[email protected],  Phone 951-4874.

April 27, 2019 at 9:30am - 4pm
To Be Announced
Sanford, ME
United States
Google map and directions
Barbara Kates · · 207-951-4874

Will you come?